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Online Guide

SEPM Guide

Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management



464 entries were found.

Guide/Manual Tools & Templates

Mapping the Client Protection Standards to SPI5 codes to navigate the SEPM Guide

This multilingual Excel tool facilitates navigation between Client Protection (CP) Standards and the USSEPM framework, ensuring a seamless user experience. While the CP Standards are fully integrated within USSEPM, they follow a different coding system. This resource provides a comprehensive mapping between CP codes and SPI5 codes, enabling users to efficiently reference the SEPM Guide when conducting CP Commit or CP Full audits.


Cómo desarrollar resiliencia en organizaciones de finanzas inclusivas

Este documento presenta una guía para el desarrollo de resiliencia en organizaciones de finanzas inclusivas, la cual está basada en la experiencia de doce (12) organizaciones de seis (6) países de América Latina. También considera el marco conceptual de tres fuentes importantes, que se enumeran en la sección Referencias.

Training sessions & Material

Summary of Outcomes Working Group Session on Theory of Change

Summarizes presentations and discussion from the Oct 2014 outcomes working group session discussing theory of change. Shares thinking about a what a theory of change is, how it can be used, a typical theory of change for microfinance.

Training sessions & Material

Summary of Outcomes Working Group Session on Fundación Paraguaya's Poverty Stoplight Tool and the TrueLift Initiative

Summarizes Fundación Paraguaya's approach to tracking client poverty outcomes through a family self-assessment tool called the Poverty Stoplight. Also shares information about the TrueLift Initiative to focus bring accountability to microfinance to contribute to poverty alleviation as a primary outcome.

Training sessions & Material

Indicators of Financial Stress, Including Over-indebtedness

This document provides a summary of the February 2017 Outcomes Working Group meeting in which Grameen Foundation, Friendship Bridge and other share their experience identifying indicators of financial stress and over-indebtedness.

Training sessions & Material

Selection of Outcomes Indicators

Brief from the Outcomes Working Group in which Freedom from Hunger presents its work on developing a menu of outcomes indicators based on key themes from theories of change for financial service providers. It also shares a preliminary list of indicators development by the MCWG.

Tools & Templates

Digital Financial Services (DFS) Standards Evaluation Tool

The DFS Standards Evaluation Tool is a free tool that combines the DFS Standards along with fields to score to what extent a financial service provider is implementing each practice, and graphical functions to display summary results. Financial service providers can use this tool to evaluate and report on their current level of implementation of the DFS Standards.


Manual de los Estándares para los Servicios Financieros Digitales - Octubre 2024

El manual completo de los estándares de gestión para la prestación responsable de servicios financieros digitales, versión de octubre de 2024.


Manuel des Normes relatives aux Services Financiers Numériques - Octobre 2024

Le manuel complet des normes pour une offre responsable de services financiers numériques, version d'octobre 2024.


Digital Financial Services Standards Manual - October 2024

The complete manual of the Digital Financial Services Standards as of October 2024.