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Online Guide

SEPM Guide

Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management



463 entries were found.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Practical ways to address gender-related risks at your organization Brief English

Dimension 2 of the Universal Standards focuses on leadership's role in creating a culture of commitment to SPM. This brief shares the experiences of two FSPs who have taken steps to do this by exploring how better to meet the needs of female employees and customers. In collaboration with Grameen Foundation, CREDICAMPO of El Salvador and ODEF Financiera of Honduras participated in a training and a rapid assessment that focused on gender-related risks and opportunities and are now applying lessons learned to their policies and practices.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Help Your Employees Adapt to Digital Transformation Brief

Summary of a webinar jointly organized by SPTF and the ILO, speakers from Wing (Cambodia), and FINCA DRC addressed how to manage human resources responsibly during digital transformation, how to motivate and support employees for success when their job roles and responsibilities are shifting, and how HR structure and management is different in a digitalized FSP versus a traditional financial institution.


SPI Online Video Tutorials

Get familiar with SPI Online tools and learn how to navigate the Resource Center for efficient use according to your needs.

Tools & Templates

Template of agenda for a field audit on SEPM with SPI Online tools

Example of agenda for a field audit on social and environmental performance management using SPI Online assessment tools.

Tools & Templates

Resources to assess Responsible Pricing indicators

Dimension 6 of the Universal Standards about Responsible Growth and Returns assesses responsible pricing through a combination of quantitative indicators; these indicators assess whether an FSP is in the accepted performance range for the effective interest rate, the operating expense ratio, the loan loss expense ratio and the return on assets. The following resources will help you conduct a thorough and harmonized calculation of these ratios.

Case studies & Field examples

MiCrédito Nicaragua: Environmental Performance Management in Practice #6

This article illustrates how MiCrédito, in Nicaragua, implements Environmental Performance Management in practice, with a particular focus on improving the quality of life of the rural communities.

Training sessions & Material

Cerise+SPTF Branding and Media Kit

The most updated elements you may need to feature Cerise+SPTF in your training and communication materials.


Conseils de formation pour la création de comptes et d'audits SPI Online

Dans le cadre d'une formation sur SPI Online, les participants peuvent suivre ce guide pour créer un audit afin de tester la plateforme et pour que le formateur puisse suivre plus facilement leurs premiers pas. Les participants pourront réutiliser leur compte après la formation.


Consejos de capacitación para crear cuentas y auditorías SPI Online

Como parte de una capacitación en SPI Online, esta guía ayuda a los participantes a crear una auditoría para probar la plataforma, de modo que es más fácil para el capacitador seguir sus primeros pasos. Los participantes podrán reutilizar su cuenta después de la capacitación.


Collection of Resources for Outcomes Management & the SDGs Contribution

Main publications and tools by Cerise+SPTF, its partners, and other stakeholders, on client-level data management and outcomes measurement, in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.