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Key Resources

Watch the SPI Online Video Tutorials. These short videos will help you better understand how to access the audit tools and how they work.

Take a look at our Resource Center and search for resources by filters (left column) or keywords in the search bar (at the top of the page).

Use the Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management (SEPM Guide). The Guide provides support and tips on scoring indicators, sources of information, evidence to provide, and field examples.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your question regards:

Account SPI Online

If your organisation already exists in SPI, you can :
- Either ask your organisation's account administrator to invite you to create an account. To do so, they need to enter your email address in the organization's management parameters. You will receive an email inviting you to create your account.
- Select this organisation from the drop-down menu when creating your account: your organisation's account administrator will have to validate your request for your account to be activated.

If your organisation does not yet exist in SPI, you can create your organisation at the time of account creation. You will then be the administrator of the organisation. Once your account has been created and attached to the desired organisation, you can start creating your audits.

You can create an account or log in with your old credentials. Click on "Forgot your password?" if the application does not recognize your credentials. You will receive an e-mail (remember to check your SPAMS) asking you to reset your password.

When creating the account, select "Independent auditor". In step 3 "Organization", create an organization in "Your organization", either by:
- entering your name if you are an independent consultant
-entering the name of your company if you have a company in your name

This email invites you to take part in an audit. For this, you must have an account on SPI online. If you do not have an account, you can create an account by clicking on the link mentioned in the email.

You can create an organization:

  • In the registration process : in Step 3, enter a letter and select "I can't find the organization" from the drop-down list of organizations on SPI. Click on the "+ Create a new organization" that appears. You must enter the name and the country of your organization to create it. You will receive an email to activate the account on SPI. If you create your organization, you will become its default administrator.
  • When you don't find the organization while creating an audit : enter a letter and select "I can't find the organization" from the drop-down list of organizations on SPI. Click on the "+ Create a new organization" that appears. You must enter the email address of a contact in the organization to create it. The person linked to the email address will receive an email notification to activate their account on SPI. If you create your organization, you will become its default administrator. Find out more about the creation process in a demo video here.

When you leave your organization, please contact and let us know your choice among the two options:

  1. You want to delete your SPI Online account: we will do it on our end.
  2. You want to keep using your SPI Online account: you need to change your email address and be diassociated with your previous organization. We will change those parameters in your account. Please note that you won't have access to the audits of your previous organization anymore, included those you created for this organization.

If you don't change anything, your previous organization may decide to suppress your account associated with it. You will need to re-create an account with another email adress.



Cerise+SPTF does NOT review your audits to certify the results/scores. Cerise+SPTF only gives internal quality scores to the audit to build its benchmarking database. The only time Cerise+SPTF shares reviews of audits is in the context of training or a particular project to check the quality of the work done by the trainees or partners. It is for internal use.

SPI Online tools are primarily management tools. SPI Online offers free tools for institutions to help them identify their managerial practices in terms of SEPM or Client protection at a given time. When an institution conducts an SPI audit, the generated results can be discussed internally to help decision-making, or communicated to the institution's partners as audit results, not as a rating or a certification.

You have 3 options to see your results :

- You can see your temporary scores of your audit any time by clicking on “Temporary Scores” in the SPIflat file
- You can have an abstract of your results by clicking on “view results”, below the standards flow on your audit completion page
- You can also download detailed results and dashboards by clicking on “Export audit” once you have completed the audit to 100%.

All the 7 tools on SPI Online (ESG Risk, ALINUS, SPI5 Entry, SPI5 Full, CP Commit, CP Full, Green Focus) rely on the same scoring system:

  • The global score is the average of the dimensions' scores.
  • The score by dimension is the average of the standards' scores in the dimension.
  • The score by standard is the average of all the scored indicators and scored details in the standard (Yes=1; partially=0,5; No=0), without intermediary EP score*.
  • If the answer is "NA/ Not applicable", the indicator/detail is not integrated in the score.
  • No weighting is applied.

The only exception in the scoring system on SPI Online is the CP Full tool: in this tool, the global score presented in the dashboard is the percentage of "Yes"= % compliant indicator/details over the total number of scored indicators/details.

* Compared to the previous platform, the score by dimension is not the average of Essential Practices' score anymore (which was how SPI4 Alinus already worked).
This slight difference in the scoring system may explain some changes in the scores of the previous SPI4 audits that have been integrated in the new SPI Online platform.

The scoring of the EPs is still calculated (but is not taken into account in the score of the standards): the EP scores are used in the detailed dashboards to guide, for example, in the identification of priorities to be improved .

You can invite people at any time by going to the audit sharing settings. You can enter an individual e-mail address to invite a person (this person must have an SPI account or will need to create one). You can also invite an organization to your audit. This organization must be on SPI already to be invited. People invited to your audit will see the audit on their home page.

Resources to support you in your audit and in improving your practices are available:
- At the bottom of your account homepage (coming soon)
- In the Resource Center and the SEPM Guide
- On the results page of your online audit where resources will be offered to help you improve your main deficiencies (coming soon)

In the "create audit" section, you need to select the types of services you offer. By default, organisations already offer loans. This will highlight important indicators to your audit to check in relation to these services.

The tool calculates the totals for some indicators to check if the numbers are coherent and reduce reporting mistakes.

Orange indicators mean that some totals are incorrect or incomplete.

The data checks that are automatically done in OrgInfo are defined as follows:

  • Number of board members > Number of women board members
  • Number of branches = Branches in urban areas + Branches in rural areas
  • Number of staff = Women + Men
  • Number of staff in credit and front office operations = Women + Men
  • Number of management staff = Women + Men
  • Number of active borrowers = Women borrowers + Men borrowers + Legal entities
  • AND Number of active borrowers = Rural borrowers + Urban borrowers
  • Number of voluntary savers = Women savers + Men savers + Legal entity
  • Amount of Gross Loan Portfolio in the currency used in the report = Legal entities -Microenterprises (less than 5 full time employees) + Legal entities - SME (between 5 and 250 full time employees) + Legal entities - Corporates (more than 250 full time employees) + Housing + Personal/Household consumption + Education + Other

This does not prevent you from closing your audit.

The SPIflat import may fail because of the Org Info data. You should be working with the latest available version of the SPIflat.

On the SPIflat (latest version) homepage, you will find a “format check” tab. This tab will show you the requested format for each indicator of Org Info. If the format of an answer is incorrect, the cell of this indicator will turn red. If none of cells are red, you can import your audit on the platform.

A SPIflat can be imported in any of our tools. The answers of the SPIflat will be imported in the corresponding questionnaire’s indicators. You can check our indicators mapping between the tools resource.

You can change the tool in the audit settings until the audit is complete. The number of indicators changes according to the questionnaire.

We have a personal data management policy on the SPI Online platform, in accordance with the European GDPR directives. Each user can decide the level of permission to share their data for benchmarks, and with Atlas.
All data is confidential, Cerise+SPTF never shares it unless it receives formal permission from the data owner.

Client Protection

A third-party validation is the independent audit of client protection systems and practices of a financial service provider, ideally measured against compliance with the CP Full tool.

While a financial service provider may have gone through a self-assessment or an accompanied assessment in Step 2, and worked on its gaps, a third-party validation will bring an objective and expert opinion of the organization’s compliance with the Client Protection Standards. The output of a third-party validation is a thorough report that documents the provider’s achievements and the remaining gaps and which can be shared with stakeholders.

SPI5 Full is the most comprehensive tool in SPI online, allowing an institution to be assessed according to the SEPM Universal Standards. CP Full allows you to assess an institution according to the Client Protection Standards, which are a subset of the Universal Standards.


Yes we offer an API (Application Programming Interface) so you can retrieve your data from SPI Online.

We are currently on the V1 which offers two main endpoints:

  • one to retrieve your list of audits,
  • and one to retrieve the data from one of those audits using the UUID of the audit.

Only users with a API Role can retrieve their data using the API. Only an SPI Online administrator can set that role for users.

The API is also subject to certain conditions. SPI Online sponsors will have priority for having access.

Please contact us for more information:

For more information, you can download the full documentation.

Contact our teams

Reach the most appropriate team depending on your need:

I need technical assistance on SPI Online (problems to access my account, manage my audits, etc.) : contact

I need expert guidance to complete my audit with SPI, ALINUS or ESG Risk : contact

I want information on the Client Protection Pathway or guidance on my CP assessment : contact

I want to build my skills on the SPI Online assessment tools : contact

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