Benefit from personalized support and co-funding

Learn about our network of experts and the technical assistance co-funding facilities that aim at strengthening your social and environmental performance management.

Our global community of professionals

The Social and Environmental Performance Management Professionals Network (the SEPM Pros Network) brings together high-skilled practitioners to support financial service providers, impact investors and other related stakeholders in advancing their agendas and strategies in client protection and social and environmental performance management.

With the SEPM Pros Network, Cerise+SPTF aims to provide the industry with a pool of field experts to be mobilized to:

  • Conduct reliable assessments in SEPM and Client Protection
  • Design social and environmental strategies
  • Train in-house teams
  • Prepare action plans and implement sustainable changes

All stakeholders can benefit from this expertise in many ways:

  • As an impact investor, you can collaborate with a Pro to support your due diligence process for potential investees or to strengthen your investees' practices of SEPM and Client Protection.
  • As a financial service provider, you can mobilize a Pro to assess your practices and provide recommendations for improved social, environmental, and financial performance.
  • As a national, regional, or international network, you can have a Pro conducting training sessions for your members.

Join the SEPM Pros Network!

What are the benefits?

As a SEPM Pro, you become part of a global community of experienced professionals hosted by Cerise+SPTF:

  • Peer-learning events and webinars
  • Exclusive training on the industry's hot topics
  • Key resources to guide your work in the field
  • Collaboration on projects

How to join the Network?

Two options! You can join the Network as a SEPM Expert, highlighting your experience as a consultant/trainer, or you can get trained on Cerise+SPTF's standards and tools to become a Qualified Auditor.

To join the network as a SEPM Expert, you must have worked as a consultant/trainer for at least 2 verified assignments (RIFF or Cerise+SPTF projects) in the last 3 years.

To become a Qualified Auditor, all you need to do is to complete our 3-level e-learning program!

  • Level #1 Get Started on Cerise+SPTF standards and tools (free, 3 hours).
  • Level #2 Go Deeper to obtain a Training Certificate and apply to join the Network.
  • Level #3 Get Qualified through personalized coaching to become SEPM Pro!
E-learning Course Catalog Qualification Process and Conditions

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