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SEPM Guide
Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management
Tools & Templates
Creditaccess Grameen Environmental, Social & Governance Policy
This document shared by CreditAccess Grameen (India) provides a good example of what can be defined as an environmental policy (in addition to social and governance). It focused in particular on environmental and social risk management, waste management, energy management, procurement practices, and ESG disclosure and reporting.
Case studies & Field examples
CreditAccess Grameen Code of Conduct for Directors and Managers
This policy specifically addresses the conduct expected of directors and managers including not accepting gifts or bribes, kickbacks, confidentiality, harrassment and nondiscrimination among other things.
Case studies & Field examples
CRECER (Bolivia) Addresses Quality in Response to Lack of Impact
Describes how CRECER took a negative client outcome finding and responded by increasing quality.
Collecting and Using Client Exit Data
This tool discusses how financial institutions (FIs) can design exit survey tools, collect exit data, and use them for designing and improving products and services. It explains a five-step process for developing, introducing, and using an exit survey. FIs with existing exit surveys can use the tool to rethink and strengthen their current tool. Those without an existing tool can use it to understand their options and design a tool.
Case studies & Field examples
Code of Consumer Protection: Kashf Foundation
Example of a code of conduct addressing how staff behaviors should reflect organizational values and commitments.
Case studies & Field examples
Caso de toma de decisiones impulsada por los datos del COVID-19 en Per煤 COOPAC MF Prisma
Describe los resultados del estudio realizado por COOPAC Prisma (Per煤) sobre el impacto de COVID-19 en sus clientes y las acciones tomadas para responder a las necesidades reveladas por el estudio.
Case studies & Field examples
CASHPOR Identifies a Social and Financial Risk
Description of how CASHPOR used negative social outcomes data to shape a reponse to reduce risk and increase impact.
Trato responsable a los clientes: Ejerciendo la no discriminaci贸n
Esta herramienta proporciona a los proveedores con una idea de la diferencia entre la orientaci贸n del cliente y la discriminaci贸n perjudicial e ilumina ejemplos de las formas m谩s comunes de discriminaci贸n. Adem谩s, la herramienta proporciona a los proveedores de servicios financieros, con siete pasos de acci贸n para corregir y prevenir la discriminaci贸n.
Case studies & Field examples
Collection Journey at the Agricultural Bank of Egypt
This case study explains how the Agricultural Bank of Egypt developped a successful strategy to manage their collection process effectively and in a fair and responsible manner. It outlines the challenges they had identified, their approach, the process to create a specialised department, and the outcomes of their journey.
Evitar el sobreendeudamiento: Directirces para la evaluaci贸n financiera y no financiera
Una herramienta para aquellos proveedores de servicios financieros que desean mejorar sus actuales procesos de evaluaci贸n, incorporando en forma m谩s completa las buenas pr谩cticas de protecci贸n al cliente en los procesos de evaluaci贸n de clientes de pr茅stamos individuales. Espec铆ficamente, la herramienta brinda directrices para determinar la capacidad y la disposici贸n de un solicitante para reembolsar un pr茅stamo. Un cuidadoso proceso de evaluaci贸n es fundamental para evitar el sobreendeudamiento del cliente,es decir, una situaci贸n en la cual un cliente no puede reembolsar un pr茅stamo sin sacrificar su calidad de vida.