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Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management



463 entries were found.

Case studies & Field examples

European Dialogue - 5th European Microfinance Award - Microfinance and the Environment

This publication presents ten initiatives from FSPs in the field of green inclusive finance. A variety of actions are presented: adoption of an environmental strategy, management of direct and indirect environmental impacts, financial and non-financial products for renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, water and sanitation, etc. These initiatives were all shortlisted for the 2014 European Microfinance Award.


Environmental and Social Management Systems for Financial Institutions: A Primer

Describes the components of an environmental and social management system for financial institution and the purpose of those components.

Tools & Templates

Environmental and Social Management Policy Template

Template for an environmental and social management policy.

Case studies & Field examples

Environmental and Social Management (ESM) Procedure

This document is a good example of procedures defined by a FSP to identify and manage the adverse environmental impacts of the activities financed (client-level adverse impacts). The document specifies key objectives, responsibilities and steps, from screening against the exclusion list, to E&S risk categorization, decision-making, and monitoring.

Case studies & Field examples

Enda Tamweel Tunisie : Gestion de performance environnementale en pratique #3

Cet article illustre de quelle manière Enda Tamweel, en Tunisie, met en œuvre sa gestion de la Performance Environnementale, avec un focus particulier sur l'offre de produits financiers verts pour la gestion des déchets et les énergies renouvelables.

Case studies & Field examples

Enda Tamweel Tunisia: Environmental Performance Management in Practice #3

This article illustrates how Enda Tamweel, in Tunisia, implements Environmental Performance Management in practice, with a particular focus on offering green financial products for waste management and renewable energy.

Case studies & Field examples

Enda Tamweel Túnez: Gestión del desempeño ambiental en práctica #3

Este articulo muestra como Enda Tamweel, en Tunez, implementa la Gestión del Desempeño Ambiental en práctica, con un enfoque particular en la provision de productos financieros verdes para el manejo de desechos y las energias renovables.

Case studies & Field examples

DID Reference Framework - Environment

This document looks at the types of risks incurred by financial institutions that ignore environmental concerns, and offers social and environmental management mechanisms to address these risks, based on the experience of DID.

Tools & Templates

Customer Experience Toolkit Workbook

Companion workbook for the the CGAP Customer Experience Toolkit which equips organizations to create empowering customer experiences. The hands-on approach helps practitioners identify and implement a customer experience project within their organization – large or small – and advocate for it with leadership. This toolkit is the only such resource that specifically targets the financial services community with a focus on unbanked and underbanked customers.

Tools & Templates

Customer Experience Toolkit

The CGAP Customer Experience Toolkit equips organizations to create empowering customer experiences. The hands-on approach helps practitioners identify and implement a customer experience project within their organization – large or small – and advocate for it with leadership. This toolkit is the only such resource that specifically targets the financial services community with a focus on unbanked and underbanked customers.