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SEPM Guide
Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management
Tools & Templates
ESAF Green Protocol Audit Scorecard
This document is used by ESAF Small Finance Bank in India to monitor the performance of its branches in terms of reduction of adverse impacts on the environment and promotion of eco-friendly practices. The checklist is used to audit branches every year and provide them with a score on their green performance. Awards are provided to best performing branches.
Tools & Templates
FONDESURCO Perú: Informe del comité ambiental
Este informe compartido por Fondesurco (Peru) presenta de qué manera la institucion integra la dimension ambiental en su vision y su estrategia, y cuales actividades se implementaron en el 2021 o se planifican para alcanzar estos objectivos ambientales (gestion ambiental interna, créditos verdes, créditos FondeEnergía, capacitaciones en buenas prácticas agrícolas, etc.). Es un buen ejemplo de como una institucion puede monitorear y comunicar sobre sus esfuerzos en términos de gestion de desempeño ambiental.
Tools & Templates
FONDESURCO Perú: Formulario créditos verdes
Este formulario utilizado por Fondesurco en Peru constituye un documento de evaluación inicial para créditos verdes y sirve para determinar si el producto a financiar contribuirá con la protección del medio ambiente. Proporciona una lista de preguntas/criterios para 4 tipos de actividades: agricultura, ganadería y lechería, turismo y comercio.
Tools & Templates
CreditAccess Grameen Energy Management Policy
Complementing CreditAccess Grameen ESG Policy, this document provides examples of strategic objectives that can be defined at FSP level to limit energy consumption and foster energy efficiency.
Taxonomia UE
La Taxonomia UE establece los criterios técnicos de selección para determinar las condiciones en las que se considera que una actividad económica contribuye de forma sustancial a la mitigación del cambio climático o a la adaptación al mismo, y para determinar si esa actividad económica no causa un perjuicio significativo a ninguno de los demás objetivos ambientales.
Taxonomie UE
La Taxonomie UE établit les critères d’examen technique permettant de déterminer à quelles conditions une activité économique peut être considérée comme contribuant substantiellement à l’atténuation du changement climatique ou à l’adaptation à celui-ci et si cette activité économique ne cause de préjudice important à aucun des autres objectifs environnementaux.
Case studies & Field examples
La construction d’une culture institutionnelle autour d’un code de déontologie à Compartamos
Case describing system of training and staff mentoring that seek to ensure alignment and adherence to code of ethics among Compartamos staff even in the face of rapid growth.
Tools & Templates
CP4 Companion
Tool to support calculation and analysis of key ratios to evaluate Responsible Pricing indicators.
Microfinance TRAPS The Microfinance Transparent Pricing Supervision Handbook
This handbook is a culmination of the learnings and knowledge that came out of from the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forums that were organized in Nairobi, Kenya in 2011 and 2013. While this resource was developed essentially to provide African policy makers with policy recommendations on pricing transparency issues, it can certainly be used by a wide range of industry stakeholders. The first chapter of this handbook describes various complications of interest, while chapter two details other elements that add to and affect the true price of a loan. Chapter three explains price caps providing information on some of the theoretical approaches to price caps and the impact of price caps on product offering. While the first three chapters of the handbook review the effects of many pricing design options on the true price of a loan, chapter four, the last chapter of the handbook, examines how a true price should be disclosed.
Components of Responsible Pricing
Graphic showing the key components over which an FSP has control and which determine its pricing.