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SEPM Guide

Discover our Guide for Social and Environmental Performance Management



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Guide GPSE - version préliminaire

Ce document est une version préliminaire du nouveau Guide d'audit et de mise en œuvre des Normes universelles pour la gestion de la performance sociale et environnementale (Guide GPSE). Vous y trouverez, pour chaque dimension, normes, pratiques essentielles et indicateur, la raison de ce point d'analyse, la manière de noter un indicateur, les sources d'information, et des exemples pour guider la mise en œuvre.
Veuillez noter que ce document a été partagé avec vous comme un document provisoire, afin de vous aider dans votre cheminement vers l'évaluation et la gestion de la performance sociale et environnementale. Cette version provisoire en français a été traduite en partie automatiquement, vous y trouverez encore quelques erreurs de traduction (notamment sur les dimensions 3, 4 et 5) mais cela doit pouvoir vous guider, et vous pouvez utiliser le guide en anglais comme référence.


Education Video on Measuring and Managing Impact

Measuring performance and impact is key to implement, manage and fund social enterprises or microfinance institutions. It also allows to mobilize and align finance to the SDGs, and to include positive and negative impact considerations into investment and business decisions. In 2020, CERISE worked with students from Sciences Po Paris, as part of a working group on Measuring and Managing Impact, in partnership with the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. The students produced a short educational and dynamic video to explain the concepts of impact and the existing approaches, to help navigating the world of results measurement.

Case studies & Field examples

Компартамос: Создание корпоративной культуры на основе Кодекса этики Building Institutional Culture Around a Code of Ethics at Compartamos--Russian

Case describing system of training and staff mentoring that seek to ensure alignment and adherence to code of ethics among Compartamos staff even in the face of rapid growth.

Tools & Templates

Environmental and Social Risk by Industry Sector Factsheets

FIRST for Sustainability website provides a series of factsheets that identify the level of environmental and social risks for 28 key sectors. The level of risk is provided for the following E&S risks: energy, water use, emissions to water, waste, emissions to air, ecosystems, workplace health and safety, disaster risk, site contamination.

Go to First for Sustainability website to download the serie of factsheet.

Tools & Templates

A sample template for a social impact report

This PowerPoint example can help you build your organization's social impact report. This tool is in English.


Méthodologie pour définir un cadre de mesure des résultats

Une note synthétique en diaporama (PowerPoint), pour présenter une méthodologie pour définir un cadre de mesure des résultats. Cet outil est en français.

Training sessions & Material

Presentation template for a data quality workshop

A template (PowerPoint) for trainers and consultants to organize a workshop, online or in-person, on environmental and social data management. This tool is in English.


KoboToolbox Guide

KoboToolbox is a free platform for field data collection in challenging environments that works both online and offline through mobile devices and web browsers. This guide helps you get started with the tool.


Animated series of video project MEBA

Animated series of videos produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as part of the "Microfinance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation" (MEbA*) project. Their aim is to raise awareness among rural populations of practical solutions for adapting to climate change and for sustainable agricultural production. The solutions also aim to improve the small-scale farming sector's relationship with ecosystems, promoting their conservation and sustainable use now and in the future.


Guidance for filling out Organization Information

The Organization information ("Org Info") part of the questionnaire in SPI Online assessment tools contains the financial data and demographic details of the financial service provider. These are important for generating a social dashboard that contains a robust summary of the primary social and financial information about the FSP in one succinct report.