New Benchmark Tool on SPI Online!
Track your progress over time and compare your results with your peers.
Deepening Cerise+SPTF Engagement in Uganda
A Market Systems Approach to Promoting Customer Empowerment.
SFDR: A New Frontier for Social Investors
As a new paradigm has emerged to generate positive social and environmental impacts alongside financial gains, this thought-leadership article by Cerise+SPTF explores the significance of measuring impact and the impacts of measurement on the landscape of social and impact investing in light of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
A Network of Professionals Worldwide to Build Responsible Finance Ecosystems
Discover the SEPM Pros Network, a community of high-skilled experts to support inclusive finance stakeholders in advancing their strategies in matters of client protection and social and environmental performance management.
Environmental Performance Management in practice #6
The Universal Standards 3.0 now include a Dimension 7 dedicated to Environmental Performance Management. What does it mean to manage environmental performance, in practice? In this blog, Verónica Herrera, General Manager of MiCrédito in Nicaragua, gives us her testimony, with the support of Natalia Realpe Carrillo, Director of HEDERA, who has been working with MiCrédito to redefine its green strategy.
State of Practice on Social and Environmental Performance Management and Client Protection
Discover the stories the SPI database as of December 2022 tells us!
An Impactful Week at EMW 2023
Cerise+SPTF led several sessions at the European Microfinance Week, championing inclusive finance, environmental resilience, and responsible investment.
Back to the Highlights of the SAM 2023 Conference
What a week in Togo! What a great SAM 2023! Our team members took part in several events and panel discussions and delivered training sessions for almost 250 people.
Resources to fill Org Info in SPI Online
A video tutorial and a guide to learn how to fill in indicators in the "Organization Information" part of the SPI questionnaires.
Get trained and qualified on Client Protection!
We are pleased to announce the launch of our training and qualification program on client protection! Cerise+SPTF now offers three levels of training on client protection.
How to avoid overestimating SPI scores?
Objective analysis is key to ensuring a good quality audit and properly supporting financial service providers (FSPs) in assessing and improving their practices.