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55 entries were found.

Tools & Templates

Friendship Bridge Client Outcomes Report

Example from Friendship Bridge in Guatemala of a client outcomes report detailing key performance indicators for client outcomes and grading their performance.

Case studies & Field examples

FINCA Experience with Outcomes Management as presented to Outcomes Working Group

Summary of an Oct 2016 Outcomes Working Group session in which FINCA shared its approach to generating credible data that is useful for decision-making on a limited budget. FINCA includes outcomes data in its quarterly MFI mission monitoring dashboard, which includes
targets and achievements for depth of outreach (including female managed enterprises) as well as
predicted outcomes on key business indicators. FINCA uses a predictive model based on a small number
of selected indicators and enterprise segmentation and a small sample of clients quarterly to track quarterly in between larger data collection efforts every 3-5 years.


Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Investors

These guidelines for integrating outcomes measurement, analysis, and reporting into the operations of microfinance investors, asset managers, and other funders (hereinafter "guidelines") are the result of the work of the e-MFP Social Performance Outcomes Action Group, a collaborative effort of a group of responsible investors and other stakeholders that was created as a result of a partnership between the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) and the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP). The work on the guidelines has been coordinated by the SPTF Outcomes Working Group in parallel with the development of three resources for financial service providers (FSPs): 1) a "making the case" brief that describes how outcomes data are useful and even essential to an FSP's financial and social performance; 2) "how-to" guidelines for FSPs that describe ten steps for implementing strong outcomes management; and 3) a harmonized menu of key outcome indicators.


60 Decibels Microfinance Index Report

This report creates a new benchmark that consists of the data from 72 microfinance institutions from this year鈥檚 cohort. For each indicator included in our Index, we calculated the average performance of the participating microfinance institutions, weighing each MFI鈥檚 performance equally. The benchmark figure itself is the mean
or average. These benchmarks are at the heart of this report and they give the clearest picture of what social outcomes are, and are not, being achieved by MFIs.


Demonstrating the Impact of Client-Centric Microfinance--Impact Report 2020 BRAC Microfinance

This report gives an overview of the results from BRAC's client surveys and also presents their approach to measurement and management of client-level outcomes and impact.

Case studies & Field examples

Caso de estudio IDEPRO: un sistema integral de evaluaci贸n de impacto

Este caso detalla el camino de IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial (Bolivia) para desarrollar un sistema de evaluaci贸n de resultados e impacto. La experiencia de IDEPRO demuestra dos puntos cr铆ticos y relacionados. En primer lugar, la medici贸n real de los resultados es esencial para determinar si una organizaci贸n est谩 logrando su misi贸n social. En segundo lugar, el uso estrat茅gico de los datos de resultados puede ayudar a una organizaci贸n a avanzar en esa misi贸n, al generar informaci贸n valiosa en 谩reas como la gesti贸n de riesgos, la retenci贸n de clientes y el dise帽o de productos. En 煤ltima instancia, los buenos datos no solo miden los resultados, sino que ayudan a darles forma. La implementaci贸n de un sistema de monitoreo de resultados es una inversi贸n cuyos beneficios, tanto para los clientes como para la instituci贸n, superan significativamente los costos.

Tools & Templates

Friendship Bridge Informe de Resultados de Clientas 2014-2016

Este informe presenta los Resultados de las Clientas 2014-2016, e incluye una exploraci贸n del progreso de Friendship Bridge (Guatemala) sobre sus metas sociales y los datos que documenten los cambios en las vidas de las clientas.

Case studies & Field examples

Fondo Esperanza : C贸mo usar los datos de resultados de los clientes para impulsar el desempe帽o

Este estudio de caso explica el sistema de gesti贸n de resultados que Fondo Esperanza usa para monitorear los cambios en la vida de los clientes, y c贸mo Fondo Esperanza usa los datos de resultados para informar sus propias decisiones estrat茅gicas y operativas, as铆 como para comunicarse con los clientes sobre su progreso personal. El anexo del estudio de caso enumera los indicadores espec铆ficos que Fondo Esperanza usa para medir los resultados de los clientes en cuatro 谩reas: desarrollo empresarial, bienestar familiar, empoderamiento y capital social.


KoboToolbox Guide

KoboToolbox is a free platform for field data collection in challenging environments that works both online and offline through mobile devices and web browsers. This guide helps you get started with the tool.

Training sessions & Material

Presentation template for a data quality workshop

A template (PowerPoint) for trainers and consultants to organize a workshop, online or in-person, on environmental and social data management. This tool is in English.