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55 entries were found.


LabODD: Access to energy: Is a common framework for outcome measurement possible?

Between May and July 2021, the Energy Group conducted four workshops around a crucial question: is it possible to align with a common framework for measuring outcomes in a sector as diverse as energy access? CERISE publishes an article that presents the main conclusions after these workshops


LabODD: AccĂšs Ă  l’énergie: Un cadre commun de mesure des rĂ©sultats est-il possible?

Entre mai et juillet 2021, le Groupe Energie a menĂ© quatre ateliers autour d’une question primordiale : est-il possible de s’aligner sur un cadre commun de mesure des rĂ©sultats dans un secteur aussi diversifiĂ© que celui de l’accĂšs Ă  l’énergie ? CERISE publie un article pour prĂ©sente les principales conclusions de ces ateliers.


Satya Microcapital Financial Inclusion Impact Performance Report

This initial report by 60 Decibels shows Satya MicroCapital’s performance across the five dimensions of financial inclusion: access, business impact, household impact, financial management, and resilience. It also includes additional insights on client satisfaction, loan usage and challenges.


Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment

This document addresses key questions essential to design meaningful strategies that will lead to women’s economic empowerment. It presents: 1. A definition of women’s economic empowerment; 2. A measurement framework that can guide the design, implementation and evaluation of programs to economically empower women; and 3. A set of illustrative indicators that can serve as concrete examples for developing meaningful metrics for success. The concepts presented are meant to help practitioners, researchers and donors design effective, measurable interventions to advance women economically. In developing these concepts, ICRW has drawn both on the available literature and on ICRW’s direct experience in evaluating women’s economic empowerment programs. This document is intended as a conceptual guide, rather than an operational tool kit. Economic empowerment is a complex process, and the general framework presented here will have to be adapted to meet the needs of specific projects.

Case studies & Field examples

Measuring the results of an energy access project. The experience of Enda Tamweel, in Tunisia

In 2019, Enda Tamweel, in Tunisia, launched its Eco-shams loans for access to solar water pumping and irrigation systems. This article shows how Enda Tamweel assessed the outcomes of these green loans for clients.

Tools & Templates

60 decibels Remote Survey Toolkit

Toolkit based on 60 Decibels' experience conducting phone surveys during the COVID-19 crisis. Includes sample questionnaires for different purposes as as well as guidance for how to set up and conduct a successful phone survey.


60 Decibels - Why Off-Grid Energy Matters

Impact report on the off-grid energy sector using data collected via phone surveys by 60 Decibels.


Building MIS Capacity for Social Performance Reporting

This Briefing Note describes the processes that Filipino MFI ASKI followed to determine MIS requirements and the initial steps that were taken in 2014 to improve the MIS so that Social Performance reporting was brought into balance with Financial Performance reporting. This BN describes the way in which ASKI arrived at which indicators to track, the frequency of reporting and the co-ordination / role which the departments played so as to report using a Social Performance Dashboard.

Tools & Templates

FundaciĂłn Paraguaya Poverty Stoplight Application Manual

Manual describing the Poverty Stoplight outcomes tracking system created by FundaciĂłn Paraguaya. It includes the poverty stoplight scorecard as well as instructions for how to apply it, audit it and use it.

Case studies & Field examples

IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial Case Study

This case details IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial (Bolivia)'s journey to develop an outcomes and impact evaluation system. IDEPRO’s experience demonstrates two critical and related points. First, actually measuring outcomes is essential to determine whether an organization is achieving its social mission. Second, strategic use of outcomes data can help an organization advance that mission, by yielding valuable insights into areas such as risk management, client retention, and product design. Ultimately, good data does not just measure outcomes—it helps shape them. Implementing an outcomes monitoring system is an investment whose benefits, both to the clients and the institution, significantly outweigh the costs.