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55 entries were found.


MFR Impact Assessment Methodology

Details the MFR impact assessment methodology which aligns with the universal outcomes indicators and SDGs as developed by the SPTF.


Summary of Outcomes Working Group Session on Theory of Change

Summarizes presentations and discussion from the Oct 2014 outcomes working group session discussing theory of change. Shares thinking about a what a theory of change is, how it can be used, a typical theory of change for microfinance.


Indicators of Financial Stress, Including Over-indebtedness

This document provides a summary of the February 2017 Outcomes Working Group meeting in which Grameen Foundation, Friendship Bridge and other share their experience identifying indicators of financial stress and over-indebtedness.


Selection of Outcomes Indicators

Brief from the Outcomes Working Group in which Freedom from Hunger presents its work on developing a menu of outcomes indicators based on key themes from theories of change for financial service providers. It also shares a preliminary list of indicators development by the MCWG.

Case studies & Field examples

CASHPOR Identifies a Social and Financial Risk

Description of how CASHPOR used negative social outcomes data to shape a reponse to reduce risk and increase impact.

Case studies & Field examples

CRECER (Bolivia) Addresses Quality in Response to Lack of Impact

Describes how CRECER took a negative client outcome finding and responded by increasing quality.

Case studies & Field examples

Defining Social Goals : Guidance and an Example from Komida

This brief case provides an example of Komida's (Indonesia) social goals showing how outputs relate to desired outcomes.

Case studies & Field examples

Example of a Theory of Change: Credit & Questions Linked to Client Bussines Outcomes

A brief example of a theory of change connecting implementation strategy with client business growth outcomes and eventually poverty and vulnerability reduction.

Case studies & Field examples

How Products and Services Serve the Provider's Social Goals

Examples of how particular products and services are related to and contribute to a provider's social goals.


The ‘Funnel of Attrition’ and the ‘Attrition’ Factor

The ‘Funnel of Attrition’ represents the reality that not all clients use a service as intended, or continue to use a service.