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SPM Essentials Webinar #2

Practical ways to address gender-related risks at your organization

Dimension 2 of the Universal Standards focuses on leadership's role in creating a culture of commitment to SPM. This webinar shares the experiences of two FSPs who have taken steps to do this by exploring how better to meet the needs of female employees and customers. In collaboration with Grameen Foundation, CREDICAMPO of El Salvador and ODEF Financiera of Honduras participated in a training and a rapid assessment that focused on gender-related risks and opportunities and are now applying lessons learned to their policies and practices.

  • Watch the webinar in English
  • Watch the webinar in Spanish

SPM Essentials Series 2021-2022

In 2021-22, in coordination with the release of the Universal Standards 3.0, Cerise+SPTF created a webinar series called "SPM Essentials". This series presents practical guidance on how to implement the Universal Standards. Each webinar features interviews with practitioners on how they are managing their social and environmental performance, including lessons learned from what has worked and what did not.

Click below to see all webinar recordings, presentations, and other materials from this series.

See all webinars