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Collection of Resources for Outcomes Data Management in relation to the SDGs

Content: Publications, reports, tools, training materials, and more on client-level data management and outcomes measurement linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By Cerise+SPTF, its members and partners, e-MFP and other stakeholders.

Purpose: Promote strong outcomes management by financial service providers, investors, and other mission-driven organizations, through the sharing of good practices, development and dissemination of resources and tools, and direct support to mission-driven organizations to measure outcomes on their clients and beneficiaries against the SDGs metrics.

Contact: CĂ©lia Fernandez, Head of SDG Project (Cerise) -, CĂ©cile Lapenu, Executive Director (Cerise) –, and Amelia Greenberg, Deputy Director (SPTF) -

Note: “LabODD” working group (ODD is the French acronym for SDGs).

Working Group webpage: SDG Lab | LabODD

Standard Outcomes Questionnaires

The standard outcomes questionnaires have been worked by the members of the LabODD and e-MFP Action Group (intensive exchanges with field testing, webinars, working groups) and inspired by current approaches on Outcomes measurement (investors, 60Db, MFR, IPA, IRIS+, etc.). It provides a tool for Financial Service Providers and stakeholders involved in Outcomes management to support coherent, pragmatic and concrete client data collection. All comments and proposals, share of experience are most welcome - see contacts above.

Les membres du LabODD ont travaillĂ© avec le Groupe d’Action e-MFP afin de produire les questionnaires de normes de mesure de rĂ©sultats (au travers d’échanges importants couplĂ©s Ă  des test de terrain, webinaires, groupes de travail 
). Ceux-ci ont Ă©tĂ© inspirĂ©s par les approches actuelles en matiĂšre de mesure de RĂ©sultat (investisseurs, 60Db, MFR IPA, IRIS+, etc.). Ces questionnaires fournissent aux Institutions FinanciĂšres ainsi qu’aux parties prenantes impliquĂ©es dans la gestion de rĂ©sultat un outil permettant de collecter les donnĂ©es client de maniĂšre cohĂ©rente pragmatique et concrĂšte. Tous commentaires et proposition ainsi que partage d’expĂ©rience sont apprĂ©ciĂ©s – voir la liste de contact ci-dessus.

El Cuestioniario de Resultados EstĂĄndar (Standard Outcomes Questionnaire) ha sido elaborado por los miembros de LabODD y e-MFP Action Group (intercambios intensivos con pruebas de campo, seminarios web, grupos de trabajo) e inspirado de enfoques actuales sobre la mediciĂłn de resultados (inversores, 60Db, MFR, IPA, IRIS+, etc.). Proporciona una herramienta para que las instituciones financieras y las partes interesadas involucradas en la gestiĂłn de resultados respalden la recopilaciĂłn de datos de clientes de una manera coherente, pragmĂĄtica y concreta. Todos los comentarios, propuestas y experiencias compartidas son bienvenidos; consulte la lista de contactos arriba.

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Practical Resources for Outcomes Data Management

2022 Key Resources related to the SDGs

This compendium by Cerise+SPTF gathers concrete and operational tools and resources for impact investors and social entrepreneurs to measure their contribution to the SDGs (existing principles and standards, data collection and reporting tools, case studies, good practices, and literature review).

Date: January 2022 | Language: English and more in the compendium


KoboToolbox Guide

KoboToolbox is a free platform for field data collection in challenging environments that works both online and offline through mobile devices and web browsers. This guide helps you get started with the tool.

Date: August 2022 | Language: English only


Presentation Template for a Workshop on Data Quality

A PowerPoint for trainers and consultants to organize a workshop, online or in-person, on environmental and social data management.

Date: March 2023 | Language: English only


Template for a Social Impact Report

This example in PowerPoint can help you build your organization's social impact report.

Date: June 2023 | Language: English only


Méthodologie pour définir un cadre de mesure des résultats

Une note méthodologique pour définir un cadre de mesure des résultats. Au format PowerPoint.

Date: 2021 | Langue: français uniquement


Cerise+SPTF Publications for Outcomes Management

2024 Doing Good and Avoiding Harm: Research on Correlations between Social Performance Management Practices and Customer Outcomes in Inclusive Finance

Cerise+SPTF, in collaboration with MFR and 60 Decibels, conducted a research study to explore the correlations between Social Performance Management (SPM) practices and customer outcomes. Through this research, we sought insights into what management practices are critical to making financial services beneficial to customers while avoiding customer harm, to guide future improvements in the sector.

Date: July 2024 | Language: English only


2022 Brief on Outcomes Management for Financial Service Providers: A proposed standard framework aligned with the SDGs

A collaborative project involving the e-MFP Investors Action Group and SPTF’s Outcomes Working Group to explore innovative approaches for investors on measuring and reporting outcomes using the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Date: March 2022 | Language: English only


2017 Making the Case for Outcomes Management to Financial Service Providers

This brief demonstrates the why and what for of outcomes management by financial service providers (FSPs). Why is outcomes management essential for any FSP with a social mission? Specifically, how can an FSP use client outcomes data to make decisions that strengthen the FSP’s performance, both financially and socially? Understanding this will help an FSP to achieve buy-in within the organisation and encourage the board and senior management to take action.

Date: 2017 | Languages: English, French, Spanish

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2016 Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Financial Service Providers

These guidelines describe 10 steps for practical and effective outcomes management.

Date: 2016 | Language: English only


2021 LabODD Energy Group Publication: "Access to energy: Is a common framework for outcome measurement possible?"

Between May and July 2021, the Energy Group conducted four workshops around a crucial question: is it possible to align with a common framework for measuring outcomes in a sector as diverse as energy access? CERISE publishes an article that presents the main conclusions after these workshops.

"AccĂšs Ă  l’énergie: Un cadre commun de mesure des rĂ©sultats est-il possible?" Entre mai et juillet 2021, le Groupe Energie a menĂ© quatre ateliers autour d’une question primordiale : est-il possible de s’aligner sur un cadre commun de mesure des rĂ©sultats dans un secteur aussi diversifiĂ© que celui de l’accĂšs Ă  l’énergie ? CERISE publie un article pour prĂ©sente les principales conclusions de ces ateliers.

Date: July 2021 | Language: English and French

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2022 Measuring the results of an energy access project. The Experience of Enda Tamweel, in Tunisia.

Enda Tamweel, a pioneering institution of inclusive finance in Tunisia, has been committed for several years to the promotion of ecological practices and activities (see our article on this topic). In 2019, with the support of ADA and MicroEnergy International, the organization developed a new financial product: Eco-chams loans, to finance solar water pumping and irrigation systems for small producers. These new loans were first tested during a pilot phase, with date palm producers in southern Tunisia. Before deploying this innovative product to other agencies, Enda Tamweel decided to carry out a study to measure the results of the pilot phase. In this article, Khereddine Kahia, head of agricultural and environmental strategy at Enda Tamweel, shares his experience in carrying out this step-by-step study: the key points, the surprises, the difficulties, and the benefits for the institution.

Enda Tamweel, institution pionniĂšre de la finance inclusive en Tunisie, est engagĂ©e depuis plusieurs annĂ©es dans la promotion de pratiques et d’activitĂ©s Ă©cologiques (voir notre article Ă  ce sujet). En 2019, avec l’appui d’ADA et de MicroEnergy International, l’organisation dĂ©veloppe un nouveau produit financier : les prĂȘts Eco-chams, permettant de financer des systĂšmes de pompage et d’irrigation solaires Ă  destination des petits producteurs. Ces nouveaux crĂ©dits sont tout d’abord testĂ©s lors d’une phase pilote, auprĂšs des producteurs de palmiers dattiers du sud tunisien. Avant de dĂ©ployer ce produit innovant Ă  d’autres agences, Enda Tamweel dĂ©cide de rĂ©aliser une Ă©tude de mesure des rĂ©sultats de la phase pilote. Dans cet article, Khereddine Kahia, responsable de la stratĂ©gie agricole et environnementale d’Enda Tamweel, partage son expĂ©rience sur la rĂ©alisation de cette Ă©tude Ă©tape par Ă©tape : les points clĂ©s, les surprises, les difficultĂ©s, et les bĂ©nĂ©fices que l’institution en a tirĂ©s.

Enda Tamweel, instituciĂłn pionera de las finanzas inclusivas en TĂșnez, lleva varios años comprometida con la promociĂłn de prĂĄcticas y actividades ecolĂłgicas (ver nuestro artĂ­culo sobre este tema). En 2019, con el apoyo de ADA y MicroEnergy International, la organizaciĂłn desarrollĂł un nuevo producto financiero: los prĂ©stamos Eco-chams, para financiar sistemas de riego y bombeo solar para pequeños productores. Estos nuevos crĂ©ditos se prueban por primera vez durante una fase piloto, con productores de palmeras datileras en el sur de TĂșnez. Antes de implementar este producto innovador en otras agencias, Enda Tamweel decidiĂł realizar un estudio para medir los resultados de la fase piloto. En este artĂ­culo, Khereddine Kahia, responsable de estrategia agrĂ­cola y ambiental de Enda Tamweel, comparte su experiencia al realizar este estudio paso a paso: los puntos clave, las sorpresas, las dificultades y los beneficios para la instituciĂłn.

Date: August 2022 | Language: English, Spanish, and French

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2022 Outcomes Management Workshop & Panel Series

Online Workshop Series with Investors and Financial Service Providers – September 2022

In collaboration with the e-MFP Investors Action Group.

Download the Report

Session #1 with Investors

September 13th, 2022.


  • Spencer MacColl, Director of Impact at Kiva
  • Setha Eng, Technical Assistance Associate at Incofin
  • Edouard Sers, Head of Risk, Compliance and Impact at FGCA
  • AnaĂŻs Dufour, ChargĂ©e de Performance Sociale et Environnementale at SIDI.

Key Topics:

  • What outcome data do investors need and value?
  • What outcome data do investors manage to collect?
  • What are the bottlenecks?
  • Which support/TA to improve data collection and analysis?
  • Which ideal set of standards outcomes indicators should be pushed for decision-making and reporting?
Watch the Replay Download Investors' Presentation Slides

Session #2 with Financial Service Providers

September 20th, 2022.


  • Calum Scott, Social impact across the Opportunity Global network
    Opportunity International
  • Yamini Annadanam, Ankuram Social Ventures
  • David Njiru, Chief Business Officer Juhudi Kilimo Kenya
  • Lebo Mahlalela, Research Officer, Social Performance SEF South Africa

Key Topics:

  • What is your current experience as a financial service provider?
  • Which client data are you collecting?
  • How do you use the data, what is the value and limits of collecting client outcomes data?
  • What would be your ideal future in outcomes management?

This webinar will contribute to moving towards a minimum set of standard indicators to collect outcomes data that would support financial institutions’ strategic and operational decision-making and ease the reporting to the various investors. Discussions will help to prepare standards indicators to be collected on SPI Online, to produce a Sustainability/Outcomes report, aligned with the SDG.

Watch the Replay Download Providers' Presentation Slides

Cerise+SPTF Annual Meeting – September 2022

September 28th and 29th in Paris.

During the Annual Meeting 2022, Cerise+SPTF and its partners shared experiences and continued the work to harmonize outcomes measurement and management with social investors and responsible financial service providers.

On November 28th, the Outcomes Working Group session gathered 34 participants from 60Db, ADA, Advans, Agents for Impact (AFI), Baobab, BIB, Cerise+SPTF, CGAP, ECLOF, e-MFP, FGCA, FINCA, Gojo, IDH Trade, Incofin, independent consultants, MCPI, MFR, NMI, NWFT Philippines, Oikocredit, PROPARCO, Seasons International, SIDI, Tameo, Triodos, Triple Jump, World Bank Savings Institute (WSBI).

The plenary session on November 29th was about “Exploring the Connection between Investment in Social and Environmental Performance Management and Better Client Outcomes”.

Download Session Notes Download Presentation Slides

European Microfinance Week – November 2022

LabODD & e-MFP Investors Action Group Working Group Session

November 16, 2022.

The e-MFP Investors Action Group and the LabODD (SDG Lab) from Cerise+SPTF continued the work to harmonize and push for outcomes management with social investors and responsible financial service providers. The discussions aimed to agree on a common set of outcome indicators and a core questionnaire to collect reliable and useful outcome data from the end clients. The participants discussed whether the proposed outcomes indicators would be relevant for both financial service providers and the related stakeholders (e.g., investors, networks, regulators), to:

  • Take informed decisions for building strong social and environmental strategies
  • Support operational decision-making
  • Better serve the end clients
  • Ease the reporting to the various investors
  • Understand the impact of financial services on the end clients

The selected potential outcome indicators will be included in SPI Online assessment tools by 2023.

Download ADA Presentation Slides Download Oikocredit Presentation Slides

Panel Session: The Drivers for Better Outcomes

November 16, 2022.

How Social and Environmental Performance Management practices can be most closely linked to better customer outcomes? The panelists shared their recent experiences in measuring outcomes and listening to clients.


  • CĂ©cile Lapenu, Director of Cerise
  • Pranav Sridhar, Client Success Lead at 60 Decibels
  • Kawien Ziedses des Plantes, Sustainable Impact Manager at Oikocredit
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