Project Description & Objectives
It is observed that key target groups of social economy are left behind green and digital transition in Europe. It is particularly true for the most vulnerable : microentrepreneurs, low-income people, migrants, women. They lack knowledge and skills to introduce digital and/or green solutions which could expand their business and/or make them more resilient to climate change and environmental threats. The Transform Together Fund project addresses this by supporting social finance actors in ideating and implementing solutions, that will help the target groups to bridge the gap.
The heart of Transform Together Fund is all about supporting positive change in the field of green or digital among the vulnerable groups! MFC and Cerise+SPTF will issue up to â¬50,000 grants for social finance actors: institutions, national microfinance associations, NGOs working on financial inclusion as well as clients/beneficiaries of those institutions with focus on low income: micro entrepreneurs, migrants, women.
With support of the grants, the social finance actors will develop and test a variety of innovative solutions â each of them should aim at helping the target group to improve their knowledge or practices in green or digital area. Apart grants, MFC and Cerise+SPTF will provide opportunities for grantees to participate in trainings and peer exchange related to green and digital solutions.
Meet the 9 grantee organizations and learn about their projects!
- ADIE (France) â Development of remote and digital support services on Green Transition
- Confeserfidi (Italy) â GreenShift: Empowering Microentrepreneurs for a Sustainable Tomorrow
- Coopfin (Italy) â The development of new female cooperatives in the rural areas of Sardinia Island by increasing digital skills
- FAER (Romania) â Life through our soil!
- FDPA (Poland) â Digitalization as an opportunity for efficiency of enterprises in rural areas
- Microlab (Italy) â EmpowerHer:FosteringWomenâsDigitalEntrepreneurshipforSustainability
- OMRO (Romania) â Filbo eCopilot â Business Copilot For a Green, Sustainable Future
- SIS Credit (Bulgaria) â Enabling vulnerable micro entrepreneurs apply green and digital practices in their businesses and households through tailor-made consultancy and online loan application process
- 3Bank (Serbia) â Digitalization of AGRO loan process (farmers digital literacy)
About MFC
The Microfinance Centre is a social finance network that promotes fairness, inclusion, equality and responsible service. We unite over 100 organisations across 36 countries of Europe, Central Asia, who together deliver responsible microfinance services to almost 2,000,000 low-income clients.
Recent News
Mid-Term Meeting on October 8-9, 2024 in in Warsaw - LinkedIn Post
Kick-Off Meeting on February 15-16, 2024 in Paris - LinkedIn Post | Photo Album
This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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